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6 Common Bad Phenomena Of Automotive LCD

Update:2021-09-06 14:14:57 Monday
Summary:   With the continuous development of display technology, automotive LCD is favored by more and more industrial terminals. Many industrial terminals h......

  With the continuous development of display technology, automotive LCD is favored by more and more industrial terminals. Many industrial terminals have many questions when buying LCD liquid crystal displays. How to check whether the automotive LCD is qualified? What undesirable phenomena will appear in automotive LCD?

  1. Bright spots, colorful spots, and dark spots

  Bright spots, color spots, and dark spots generally refer to abnormally small black or white color spots that appear on the automotive LCD. Generally, it is caused by an automotive LCD collision. This loss cannot be repaired. Generally, there is a requirement for how many inches of screens can get.

  2. Foreign matter and stains on automotive LCD

  The LCD of foreign objects and stains is a bad appearance, but it will not affect the display function, but when the rest of the screen looks uncomfortable, this is also one of the poor LCD phenomena. Similar bad appearances can be reworked and cleaned.

  3. Uneven color

  Automotive LCD color unevenness is generally caused by the backlight. The color unevenness is generally reflected in the white or yellowish part of the position. Generally, it is necessary to adjust the backlight, or because the backlight has been stored for too long and is aging, the color is uneven. In this case, the backlight needs to be replaced directly.

  4. Light leakage from the LCD

  Automotive LCD light leakage can generally be seen directly with the naked eye. Light leakage is also a common undesirable phenomenon, which is poor in function and cannot be shipped directly. The light leakage phenomenon of the LCD is mainly caused by the pressure of the LCD frame during the assembly process, which is manifested as the halo around or corners, but this kind of light leakage cannot be found in general use. The detection screen must be displayed in a dark environment. See.

  5. Automotive Scratches on LCD

  LCD screen scratches are poor in appearance and will not directly affect the display effect, but will affect the display effect. Generally, LCD screen scratches cannot be shipped directly, but polarizers can be replaced for rework. Generally, polarizers can be imported into scratches. Caused the production process.

  6. Fuzzy screen and black screen

  A frozen or black LCD screen is a functional problem and cannot be shipped. However, the phenomenon of blurred and black screens generally needs to be analyzed to analyze whether it is an improper operation or the cause of the production process, or the LCD screen is directly broken, and it can not be used again.

  In the production of LCD screens, due to a large number of raw materials and complex processes, some undesirable phenomena in the production process are normal. However, professional LCD screen manufacturers can reduce the probability of occurrence through raw material control and quality inspection, thereby improving products quality.